“Dr.” Sebi’s Pseudoscience

Welcome to Sebi’s Pseudoscience  101!  Here we will review Sebi’s teachings concerning the healing art of using herbs and related matters, that his educational background doesn’t qualify to discuss, because who needs books? According to Sebi

“I didn’t read any. I read my mama. My mama is the only person I listen to… I learned that which is natural…that which is complementary, that which didn’t come out of a book.” (Video entitled Dr. Sebi Cures A.I.D.S Diabetes, Cancer, etc pt 1)

Sounds like the wisdom of Bobby Boucher.

 Sorry Sebi, but mama is wrong. And so are you.

And with that we shall begin by examining what disease is according to Sebi…

“For the last 450 years the “Western medicine” has been prevailing. What do they say? When you are sick, you have a germ, virus, or bacteria, which is the cause of the manifestation of the disease… Oh yeah? Why then if you have discovered the cause of disease are you not curing anything? I said no. Its mucus… There is only one disease.” (Video entitled Dr. Sebi Cures A.I.D.S Diabetes, Cancer, etc pt 1)

So disease in Sebi’s worldview is an accumulation of mucus. A view which contradicts the modern, evidence based understanding of disease. His belief is nothing more than the ancient belief in “humorism”. Humorism was a belief concerning human physiology that centered on four bodily fluids: blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm. When these four fluids were in “balance” the belief held that you were in good health.  The humors were also associated with different “temperaments”.

  Good thing our science has moved beyond this point, even if some people have not.

Despite being the predominate theory of medicine in the western world for approximately two millenia, humorism began to fall out of favor around the mid 1800’s. It was then that evidence from experiments conducted by Louis PasteurRobert Koch, and others began to shift opinion within the scientific community. Louis Pasteur, you might remember as the inventor of pasteurization, a process used to eliminate harmful bacteria from milk and other foods. However, Pasteur’s experiments led to two important realizations(among others); first, that fermentation was the result of the activity of microorganisms,and second, that those microorganisms did not come about through spontaneous generation but through biogenesis.  Many people are probably less familiar with Koch but he is considered one of the founders of microbiology. His postulates, though amended  since his time, were foundational to the understanding of microbes and their relationship to disease. The postulates are a rubric for determining causal relationships between bacteria and disease. Using his postulates other scientists found the organisms responsible for syphilis, diphtheria, meningitis, and several more have been found since. The works of these scientists and others led to the what is known as germ theory. The theory states that specific microorganisms are responsible for specific diseases.  Lets remember from a scientific standpoint that a theory is not a mere guess. Theories are frameworks that provide explanation of how the relevant facts, scientific laws, etc fit together to explain some phenomena. There are many scientific ways to think about disease or disease etiology like germ theory, or theories concerning gene-environment interactions, etc, but accumulation of mucus or phlegm is not one of them.

Unfortunately, Sebi isn’t alone in clinging to these long discredited ideas. A number of individuals in the public eye either have expressed disbelief in germ theory at some point, including Bill Maher of the popular show, Real Time with Bill Maher, and Mike Adams, of NaturalNews.com (the worst site ever to get any information about health- or ANYTHING). Nor is Sebi alone in his belief that modern medicine hasn’t cured anything. However, he would be wrong modern medicine is capable of curing syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, bacterial meningitis, appendicitis, and a host of other bacterial infections and conditions. Modern medicine is also capable of preventing disease through the use of vaccines. All of these cures, in conjunction with improved nutrition and food abundance,  have led to increased  maximum life expectancy (from about 48 years to 78.1 and beyond) and reduced infant and childhood mortality rates. Even if science based medicine never progresses from where it currently stands-it is more effective than so-called alternatives.

Sebi also confuses symptoms with disease. Accumulation of mucus isn’t the cause of disease its a symptom of disease. Increased mucus in the lung for example helps to trap or isolate irritants, like pollen or other particles, or infectious agents, like  bacteria. In the case of large and small intestines it serves as lubricant. Your mucus is just one indicator of your health, it itself does not cause disease. This notion that it causes disease comes from promoters of detoxification “woo”, any practicing pathologist will tell you that mucus doesn’t cause disease.

So how does one combat disease according to Sebi’s view?

According to Sebi you combat disease with a combination of diet and his special blends of herbs. Although that doesn’t sound bad on its surface lets examine this further. The sort of diet Sebi claims will help reverse or cure disease is based on “alkaline” or “electric” foods.

Starting with “alkaline” foods, Sebi teaches in his lectures about the pH scale (ranging from 0-14), which is a measures how acidic or basic foods are. The lower the pH of a substance the more acidic it is, while the higher the pH of a substance the more basic it is. Substances, such as blood, near 7 on the pH scale are considered neutral. According to Sebi accumulation of acid in the body causes disease, and therefore foods  which are more acidic are  not only harmful but aren’t made by god-unnatural. In one video he says,

Anything you  put in your mouth that is acid will eat you up. And anything that you put in your mouth that is acid God did not make. For instance wheat, rice, beans, cows, hogs, chickens. All that stuff is garbage. How do I know that? At thirty I was impotent.”(Video entitled Dr. Sebi Cures A.I.D.S Diabetes, Cancer, etc pt 1)

Anything you put in your mouth? I wonder if that includes anything already in your mouth? Like saliva, the pH of which varies but can be less than 7. Or maybe stomach acid? Which somehow people who embrace this nonsense for get about. Food you consume does not go directly into your blood stream. All food that is consumed travels from the esophagus to the stomach which breaks the food down with hydrochloric acid, potassium chloride, and sodium chloride.  With a pH ranging from 1-2 stomach acid makes all the food that it comes into contact with more acidic, producing chyme. Now after the chyme leaves the stomach which is protected from stomach acid by mucus, it enters the duodenum. The duodenum doesn’t have this mucosal lining and to account for this the liver and pancreas secrete bile (from the liver) and bicarbonate (from the pancreas) into the duodenum which brings the pH closer to  6 or 7. By the time your food has completed its journey through the small intestine the pH  is between 7-8.  So regardless of how acidic or alkaline you imagine your food is, it makes not one bit of difference to your digestive system (yes even when it comes to ulcers). The pH of the bloodstream is tightly regulated as well via homeostatic mechanisms between 7.35-7.45.  In addition of evidence that an alkaline diet can affect your body’s pH there is no evidence that it can prevent or treat cancer either or any other disease.

The next claim that Sebi makes about acidic foods not being made by god (another way of saying unnatural).  This is also false and misuses the premise of something being natural, confusing “natural” with “good”. The first mistake with this is that there are lots of  natural poisons, from snake venom to cyanide and arsenic. Actually any substance can be a poison, what determines whether it behaves as poison is the dose. This principle is credited to Paracelsus, the father of toxicology. Even water, can be poisonous in large quantities, like in water intoxication. People who promote this idea often state that chemicals are harmful and we ought to live with natural herbs and remedies. The first problem with that is EVERYTHING IS CHEMICAL where biology is concerned. There is no such thing a “natural receptor” which can recognize or selectively responds to things that are “natural”. Receptors simply recognize molecules with which they can interact also called ligands. And once your food is digested, your body doesn’t recognize cow, or wheat, or rice. It recognizes proteins, lipids, carbs,vitamins, and water.

One of the other major claims that Sebi makes is that because our bodies are electrical we need “electric” food. Electric foods he claims are foods which are not only alkaline but alive. In essence he’s espousing two forms of woo , one is raw foodism, the other is the long discredited belief in vitalism. Raw foodists claim that cooked food is less healthy or nutritious than uncooked food. This claim is false for a number of reasons but the most important ones in my view are that cooking kills bacteria and also makes many foods more digestible, like plants which contain cellulose. Many raw foodists (mostly vegetarian) including Sebi, and quacks like him, go beyond this false claim that uncooked food is more nutritious and claim that raw or “living food” has an essence or vital energy a part from its physical and biochemical qualities that we miss when we consume cooked vegetables and meat. Put another way it is the belief that all life is animated by a soul, spirit, or otherwise immaterial essence. Which being immaterial you might imagine it would be pretty difficult to digest anyway, seeing as our digestive system is physical. So yeah… **Shrug**

Sebi seems to think that electricity isn’t the flow of electrical charge but is resonance which creates the electricity charge. Sebi claims he uses the electrical resonance of plants to determine their curative potential, no word on how he measures that.

And these are just his major claims. This is by no means an exhaustive debunking of Sebi’s nonsense. This is just to give you a glimpse into the type of quackery he promotes and that gets promoted all over the internet by people like Mike Adams, Joseph Mercola, and others. I hope by sharing this information with you that you won’t be taken in by quacks like Sebi. Because even though, no one who disbelieves Sebi is obligated to debunk him, I do it because I think its important as an exercise to demonstrate to others how one can use what is known or formulate questions that will help them to better determine the truth about claims they encounter. If you remember nothing else, remember, that the burden of proof is always on the person making the positive claim. Where is his evidence?

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(Taken from pubmed searches and Sebi’s own website)

I can’t find it. Can you?

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140 thoughts on ““Dr.” Sebi’s Pseudoscience

  1. Queen says:

    Have you ever had a serious illness? I have, and I found my best proof of what cures and what doesn’t in my own body as Dr Sebi has. He too is living proof of his claim, a point you failed to detail; You also failed to highlight Dr Sebi’s view that the MOST IMPORTANT thing is diet diet diet! & that no herb will work without first changing what you eat. Now I may not agree with his style of explaining the human condition(which you so clearly attacked)but the basis of his views are true in my experience.

    I am an athlete and was running the local 10k race annually when I was diagnosed with diabetes last year. I was 115 lbs 5’6 and have never been much larger than this (highest weight 118) But never a disciplined eater due to my naturally high metabolism. So after 33 years of eating a high carb diet(loved carbs)gluten and highly acidic potatoes; I somehow developed type 2 diabetes. A disease which bypassed my two obese inactive older siblings. Go figure. I tried this diet after deciding I would NOT be taking insulin metformin or any other synthetic drug which as Dr Sebi said does not and will not cure diabetes. I also began taking cedar berries which i got from Dr Christopher’s web site(another well known herbalist.) As a result my pancreas, which my medical doctor said was toast and would never again be functional, is now producing absorbable insulin;meaning When I eat carbs now(alkaline carbs of course i.e kamut pasta, wild rice, my homemade almond bread and cookies, etc–my blood sugar began to spike less and less. normally these same foods would send my blood sugar in the 200s. Now the highest spike is around 140 after eating (very close to normal range blood sugar)
    Also- I bought Ph test strips and test my urine and bowel movements regularly; when i eat foods that are said to create acidity in the body such as meats potatoes white rice etc the test strip turns bright yellow for my urine as well as BM(Ph of less than 5) however when I followed that with 72 hrs of Only foods said to be alkalising such as wild rice,quinoa, okra, string beans, lemon water, grapes almonds etc NO MEATS– The strip was dark green for both(Matching the Ph color of 8)I continued this experiment several times over the several months back then; So despite what you say the ph is in the stomach, intestines etc…Foods do have a major effect on the body’s Ph. And also on mucus formation! My daughter and i usually suffer from what i thought were seasonal allergies. however this spring during when we had weeks of extremely high pollen counts we were eating strictly alkaline foods. we went to the park daily even though the weatherman literally said stay indoors due to the severity of the pollen. We experienced NO reaction to the pollen; and everyone who knows is knows this is unheard of! We are usually severely congested and my daughter (my daughter needing her breathing machine nightly) Then 3 weeks or so after the pollen count was back down and my daughters birthday rolled around, we got away from our diet with the cake and meat at the cookouts. Almost within 24 hours we were both experiencing sinus and bronchial congestion that just as quickly improved and dissipated with the return to alkaline foods.

    Lastly I also noticed an enlarged gland in the my vaginal wall which is what initially sparked me doing the alkaline diet/herbs in the first place. I constantly keep it checked and during the times I was eating acid foods it would be enlarged, and very noticable; and when i was on alkaline foods with a Ph around 7.5-8.5 it would be undetectible; gone! As if it were never there. All other factors unchanged I Only manipulated my diet. So my conclusion is that herbs and diet do cure where in areas where medicine has not. I do value medicine in some regards and believe it has its place. But your discount of Dr.Sebi’s views may lead people to not even try this form of healing; And if thats the case I Am living proof that you will have done them a grave disservice to say the very least! So I urge you, especially if you encounter an illness to try it before you discount it; truth its not gonna hurt you to change your diet to an alkaline one and see first hand the changes you notice in your own body! Then you may be impelled to also take note of what else herbalists have to say. You’ll be quite surprised to hear what practicing Medical doctors have to say re your researched facts (See also Dr Afrika-a MD and surgeon Now exclusively an herbalist–on youtube; Also google Dr.Christopher herbalist) My hope is that No One take your point of view as law anymore than you’re urging others not to adopt Dr Sebi’s. Your doubt and endless cited studies mean nothing when actual personal experience, personal illness and healing happens. That my dear is priceless and trumps it All!

    • 1. First whether or not you or I have ever been or known someone who has been seriously ill is immaterial in determining if the claims made by Sebi or his legion of zombies  followers are true. Anecdotes are by themselves insufficient as evidence for a number of reasons. Obviously one of the most important reasons is people lie. People also are prone to to self delusion. Sometimes people confabulate or forget details that are important in determining the outcome of the situation in question.
      2. Sebi is NOT “living proof of his claim”. Without evidence how are we to know that he ever had the ailments he claimed he had in the first place? How are we to know that the only things he treated himself with were herbs? One of his claims in his videos is that he suffered from poor eyesight with he cured with herbs. I believe he said he was nearsighted. For all we know he was never nearsighted or maybe his condition was mild. In any case he never presents evidence for how he treated his vision, or documents showing what his prescription was, or anything. Just as he never presents medical records or other documentation to back up the claims made by him or his clients.
      3. I did in fact highlight the fact that Sebi places great importance on diet. Unfortunately The type of diet he emphasizes will treat or cure disease is not backed with evidence.
      4. Just because you feel something is true doesn’t make it so. As I said before we are prone to self delusion but we are also prone to errors in perception as well. Its one of the reasons that illusionists can trick us with slight of hand and other tricks. We often make false attributions as well. I recently had a conversation with someone who has cancer and is convinced it was prayer and not the aggressive chemotherapy they received that was the main factor in helping to shrink her tumors. Now whole I didn’t argue this with them the fact of the matter is that regardless of what they think the aggressive chemotherapy and treatment received from their oncologist was what shrunk their tumors. There is evidence that chemotherapy works whereas there is none to prove the efficacy of prayer. And considering that there were probably people praying for this person prior to their diagnosis and those prayers did nothing to prevent the massive tumor growth in the first place, we can rule out the prayer as the primary factor.
      5. Acidity of food has nothing to do with disease or diabetes.
      6. I have no evidence with which to evaluate your statement>>>

      “As a result my pancreas, which my medical doctor said was toast and would never again be functional, is now producing absorbable insulin”

      No one said that type 2 diabetes couldn’t be managed with diet. But you won’t cure it with herbs. Sorry hun….

      More statements that can’t be evaluated without evidence. But the pH of your urine has little to nothing to do with the pH of your blood.

      “Foods do have a major effect on the body’s Ph”

      WRONG. This is demonstrably false as I pointed out in my post. Physiologically the food that enters your digestive system is all around the same pH when it leaves your stomach and kept within a tight range after that. Your blood pH is also maintained in a tight range by your kidneys unless of course they are defunct, in which case you are in serious trouble.

      Once again you and Sebi cannot provide sufficient evidence to back your claims. And no I don’t think people should try his snakeoil based on your testimony or anyone else’s when his claims are based on faulty reasoning and unsuported by scientific knowledge. Until he is able to demonstrate with data that his methods are more effective than placebo or have any sort of plausible mechanism for how they are supposed to work I will keep denouncing him, Llaila Afrika, Jewel Pookrum, and any other snakeoil salesmen out there. What is priceless is evidence, evidence is the only means we have of determining what is true.

      BTW Afrika is not a surgeon or MD, he is a certified naturopath which in the District of Columbia only requires you to have a clean background. Also “Dr.” Christopher does not list his credentials or where he went to medical school on his biographical information.

      • B Nice says:

        “Science” like history is possibly a lie agreed upon. The “science” you refer to has cured very few diseases, only treats them. You say that Dr. Sebi presents no evidence. The evidence that scientists present to the public is based on trust. YOU did’nt do the experiment so you really don’t know if it the outcome is what they say it is. We TRUST that the scientists have not conspired to give us false information. Even other doctors have to TRUST the “science” of other doctors. And some doctors don’t trust it very much.

  2. Tiffany says:

    I learned ALOT from this post, Raina and i truly appreciate the time you have put into your research. I also respect a person that is able to defend their position while KNOWING the opponents position thoroughly. As far as scientific proof, when I started researching Sebi, I found NOTHING that qualified as scientific evidence. I found anectdotal evidence and LOTS of youtube vids. Ppl that know how to qualify a source know that that isnt evidence at all. As you see a real life friendship ended with one of my friends who is a Sebi supporter bc i challenged him to examine his quackery.

  3. terrell brown says:

    I just recently did some research on Dr. Sebi and the U.S took him to trial stating that he was making false allegations. He went to trial and he wins because he proved from living witnesses that his cures work. Enough said!

    • TS says:

      Then, the judge was an incompetent idiot because witnesses are the worst kind of evidence, and are basically worthelss when it comes to science. The plural of anecdote is not data.

    • MSL says:

      He did not prove any such thing. He was arrested and prosecuted for practicing medicine without a license. The court does not and did not attempt to ascertain the efficacy of his idiotic claims. It only sought to prove that he was crossing the boundary from nutritional advice into medical therapy. His staff helped him get off by saying that they were not monitoring medical care, but “just collecting data for research.” The comments on here are really really really scary. You people are frightfully stupid. I mean incredibly, unbelievably stupid. He says he’s never read a book. His claims are not biologically plausible. He gets 500.00 a shot for an herb blend that he pulled out of his ass. Have you ever thought that anyone who feels better is experiencing THE PLACEBO EFFECT???? Good Lord, I just can’t believe this childish way of thinking. You folks are seriously going to hurt yourselves.

  4. Purplechaios says:

    I see you have tried to debunk Dr.Sebi’s claims
    without yourself proving anything too. All your info was based on scientific theories and based on so call research.
    What you had to address was that he is on record at the Supreme court of NYC for practicing medicine without a license and falsely claiming to cure aids, herpes ect. Dr. Sebi was acquitted for he was able to prove that he did cure the those diseases .
    So unlike you, he proved his theories right!

    • Richard Sullivan says:

      What was his proof as I research I want to know the truth. If I could heal anyone I would find someone in their worst state and bring them before witnesses asking proof and treat them with their consent. I haven’t found that information. I see his videos brought people he was treating but other what we are not a ware. Had thee people received previous medical attention? I don’t believe in the things I just read or see and the spirit inside me retells me there is a truth to Dr. SE Senior and also a Lie because He isn’t exposing the entirety of his truths. Just like the snake in the garden, He knew the truth but didn’t believe in it. He just wanted control from his persspective. A man so ingenious to a cause I can’t understand how his home country Africa that continuouslyrics die from aids starvation etc and he hasn’t come forth to cure it all.

    • Wrong ignoramus, he was cleared of the charge of practicing medicine without a license by using the loophole that they were not prescribing medicine, but just monitoring and collecting data. Do some research rather than just kneejerk believing falsehoods and half-truths next time so you don’t look like such a fool. And her ‘info’ was based on EVIDENCE and centuries of medical studies and successes. Your ignorance and denial should scare the hell out of you.

  5. Purplechaios says:

    Also, at the end of the day, a person suffering from a disease could care less about the science behind a cure. The only thing that concerns them is results. To date all the science and research behind western medicine ( quackery) is yet to cure cancer, aids and herpes. Year after year is theory upon theory… While results is nowhere near the horizon. Dr.Sebi prescribes results not theories.

    • Friedgold99 says:

      Purplechaios- you do realize that Dr. Sebi was found not guilty for practicing medicine without a license? Since he was an herbalist and not a doctor he could not be found guilty. It was not over whether or not he cured HIV. They were trying to get him on something and they lost. It is like when they go after mobsters for tax evasion because the don’t have anything else. Dr Sebi is about money! Just like the “western” medicine we have here. I don’t see him flocking to Africa or South America wiping out HIV. I am happy for the people that have become well, I am not saying it isn’t possible. Tommy Chong of Cheech and Chong recently defeated cancer without the aid of any western medicine. But for all you naysayers out there please go to an every where such things as anthrax, polio, and thyphoid exist. Please go there unvaccinated and give that a whirl. No medicine is perfect but I am not bashing one over the other. But at least western medicine has it’s cards on the table and we know it is about money.

      • the perfect medicine is that which made by nature, not by man. the perfect medicine is that which is curing disease, not that which is causing more side effects. dr sebi did not invent his cures. they came from nature and he created compounds. it is so easy, but in a world that is run by a “majority” that says there is no cure, the average person cannot believe that it is true. they can only be confused, upset and then in denial and say things such as dr sebi is only about money and if he were really curing disease then go to africa and such. the average person can only go and pick up a book written by their leaders and regurgitate everything they have read, as well as their egoistic skepticisms as you have done with this article Rhoades to Reality. All I can say is that you should find something more constructive to write about, with your original experiments and research to back up your position in regards to the subject you took the time to write about, instead of wasting the world’s time rambling about who said what and when. But, I sympathize for you, because it is clear the type of person you are and the diet you adhere to most likely consists of starch and blood. All I can say is that when you are diagnosed with an illness in the future, which is also very likely just because health is so simple if you would take the time out to research dr sebi’s information and learn instead of bashing his character, call up dr sebi for a cure and if it doesn’t work, your article will not have been written in vain. but it is going to work, and at that moment when you are given the opportunity to change and grow I encourage you to seize it and gracefully inspire others to grow and change as well.

      • “the perfect medicine is that which made by nature, not by man.”
        You are making an assertion her without evidence.the fact is that modern medicine works better than so called alternatives. Disease is natural too. Viruses, bacteria, generic diseases are all”natural”. Unfortunately, many people yourself included take anything natural to mean “good”. This is a false belief.

        ” perfect medicine is that which is curing disease, not that which is causing more side effects.” Many diseases are cured by modern medicine. but since you have no understanding of basic biology it is not worth my time to explain what side effects are.

        “dr sebi did not invent his cures. they came from nature and he created compounds. it is so easy, but in a world that is run by a “majority” that says there is no cure, the average person cannot believe that it is true.”
        There is a very easy way to make a believer of a nonbeliever. Show us the evidence that his methods work. use scientific validation.

        “they can only be confused, upset and then in denial and say things such as dr sebi is only about money and if he were really curing disease then go to africa and such.” Considering what the man charges and that he hasn’t demonstrated any success in curing or treating disease, I think it is fair to assume his main motivation is money. Also, I never said anything about anyone going back to Africa. Smh.

        “the average person can only go and pick up a book written by their leaders and regurgitate everything they have read, as well as their egoistic skepticisms as you have done with this article Rhoades to Reality.”
        On the contrary the average person uncritically accepts unsupported assertions they come across because they fit into a particular worldview. And then said person wastes my time with more assertions.

        ” All I can say is that you should find something more constructive to write about, with your original experiments and research to back up your position in regards to the subject you took the time to write about, instead of wasting the world’s time rambling about who said what and when.”
        Why am I obligated to validate Sebi’s “work” though experimentation when he has never undertaken to meet such an obligation? Lol. And furthermore, who are you to charge me wit rambling when you haven’t presented a coherent argument?

        ” But, I sympathize for you, because it is clear the type of person you are and the diet you adhere to most likely consists of starch and blood.” Lol. It’s clear to me you are an idiot talking about what someone’s diet based on your biased reading of an article questioning the facts relevant to Sebi’s claims.

        “All I can say is that when you are diagnosed with an illness in the future, which is also very likely just because health is so simple if you would take the time out to research dr sebi’s information and learn instead of bashing his character, call up dr sebi for a cure and if it doesn’t work, your article will not have been written in vain.”
        I never bashed his character I debunked his work, which wasn’t difficult because it consists entirely of bunk. If I am ever in need of any medical assistance, THE last person I will call upon is Sebi. Because Sebi has no evidence of his claims and modern science based medicine has a better track record.

        As far as growing gracefully… I recommend you spend some time reflecting on your gullibility, questioning where this man’s evidence is, and not wasting my time.

      • Lol. But you didn’t debunk his work. All you did was argue. You don’t even understand his work. You don’t even realize that you don’t even think your own thoughts. Your mind has been fragmented and colonized, and you are still asleep, so I have no interest in wasting my time arguing with you. I will allow your ignorance to be your bliss and continue my own path, curing disease. LOL. My grandmother and my father BOTH were cured of high blood pressure by taking Dr Sebi supplements. Why don’t you call up his office. The phone number is 310-838-2490. You can request all of the official documentation you need for future debunking. Just don’t call up with unnecessary pessimism and the intention to cause confusion. Life is simple. And like I said, health is simple, and thats fine with me if you don’t want to call up Dr Sebi. Like the saying goes, death before dishonor and I am sure you do not want to dishonor your masters. Peace.

      • I did actually. All my thoughts are my own. It is interesting that you call my thoughts unoriginal yet you’ve never questioned Sebi. You are simply a reactionary uncritical believer in anything said by any so-called Afrocentric. Meanwhile I question EVERYTHING I come across. Your annecdotes mean nothing without evidence. If they reduced their health problems it was likely due to dietary changes. It is already known that many health conditions are improved by dietary changes. I am not a pessimist I am a realist who has actually studied human biology. This is why I KNOW Sebi does have the first clue. Sebi has been asked to provide evidence for years and has provided none. My calling is not going to change that. I don’t have any “masters”, moron.

    • Way to go, selective cherry-picking. Hey asshat, you left out how they have cured syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, bacterial meningitis, appendicitis, seizure disorders and a host of other bacterial infections and conditions

    • Crissa125 says:


  6. Robert Shultzman says:

    if there is one thing that i consider ignorance, is what you just did, we are a society must stop acting like fools and condemning anyone who does not fit into our “scientific standards”, we must give other points of view a chance, a friend of my suffering from allergies and astma for years, going to all your well educated doctors. which the scientific community gave the “green light” to, could not help him, matter of fact, they drained his money like a hungry leeches, and did not cure anything, it was going on for years, i ordered a product from sebi, for myslef, because im not stupid, a man wins against THE FDA ! against the claim he is a fruad and cant cure without licence, and he wins ? i dont know about you, because i think you are still very young and do not consider such things, but for more mature minds, this fact is enough to give a man a chance, which i did, i ordered his product, it imporved my condition, which stress and heart related stress, i decided to give my friend (the one with the allegies ans astma) a try, after two days, all gone, he was shocked, called me and said, “who ever made this is a genius, what is this that you gave me and where can i order this”, wait, 30$ worth of herbal based powder to make tea with, that can last for 2 months, cured me, my friend, in couple of days ?
    l cant tell you what i think of your opinions which you stated in your “research” but a good man can
    “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance”
    google it.

    • “if there is one thing that i consider ignorance, is what you just did, we are a society must stop acting like fools and condemning anyone who does not fit into our “scientific standards”, we must give other points of view a chance, a friend of my suffering from allergies and astma for years, going to all your well educated doctors. which the scientific community gave the “green light” to, could not help him, matter of fact, they drained his money like a hungry leeches, and did not cure anything, it was going on for years, i ordered a product from sebi, for myslef, because im not stupid, a man wins against THE FDA ! against the claim he is a fruad and cant cure without licence, and he wins ? i dont know about you, because i think you are still very young and do not consider such things, but for more mature minds, this fact is enough to give a man a chance, which i did, i ordered his product, it imporved my condition, which stress and heart related stress, i decided to give my friend (the one with the allegies ans astma) a try, after two days, all gone, he was shocked, called me and said, “who ever made this is a genius, what is this that you gave me and where can i order this”, wait, 30$ worth of herbal based powder to make tea with, that can last for 2 months, cured me, my friend, in couple of days ?
      l cant tell you what i think of your opinions which you stated in your “research” but a good man can
      “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance”
      google it.”

      Ignorance is making truth claims you cannot prove with sound evidence. Ignorance is thinking that for a testable claim like suggesting that giving someone a root or a herb will cure them of a disease does not have to be verified with evidence. We as a society have rejected that sort of thinking because we’ve seen its consequences. We have seen people directly harmed by snake oil salesmen who poisoned them or indirectly harmed because instead of using methods that work they used unproven and ineffective methods instead. He wasn’t found guilty of practicing medicine because the government does not legislate drugs like supplements. The court did not validate his healing claims they could not prosecute him for practicing medicine because there were no laws prohibiting him from selling herbs as he did. But there is in fact no scientific evidence, clinical trials, or case histories that validate his claims. I condemn his claims because they have no been proven. The burden of proof is on those that make the claim not on those that question it.

    • He didn’t fight the FDA, dipshit. Get your info straight.

  7. Star says:

    This articloe is LAUGHABLE!! Dr. Sebi won a landmark case AGAINST the United States government, proving his case. PERHAPS YOU SHOU READ IT!!

    • I have read it that is why I know he did not prove that his methods were effective that is not what the case was about. It was about whether or not he was practicing medicine. According to the laws at that time herbs were not considered medicine. That is why he won.

      • reginald says:

        so, are herbs NOW considered medicine?

      • med·i·cine [med-uh-sin or, esp. British, med-suhn] Show IPA
        any substance or substances used in treating disease or illness; medicament; remedy.

        Medicine is what we use to treat illness and various other medical conditions. If an herb is effective in doing that then yes it is medicine. Many medicines are based on herbs and other naturally occurring substances.

  8. Star says:

    I was typing edits to a comment that I posted, when this site froze and prematurely “sent”. Hence, the word “should” that did not fully “type” and appears as “shou”. I did not get a chance to see if other edits were necessary. My apologies.

    • I care less about your edits than your content. In this case you failed to read the part that addressed your comment. Scientific validity cannot be decided in a court of law and Sebi’s methods were not verified. He won because according to the law he was not practicing medicine without a license.

  9. AhMon says:

    you are overweight and wear glasses.. no disrespect but love yourself enough to see your own self destruction.

    • Whether I am overweight or not, whtehr I wear glasses or not has nothing to do with whether what Sebi claims is true. He has never proven his claims. He is selling lies and false information to people who are to uneducated to know better. He is a two-bit swindler. It is clear to me that neither you nor he have any understanding of biology. Either what he says can be proven or it can’t-period. If you have proof show it, publish it, and let it be tested. Otherwise, you are full of shit. Also, prefacing your statment with no disrespect does not mean you aren’t attempting to disrespect me.

      • Darryl says:

        I think you are full of shit if you’re calling something a lie that you yourself haven’t even tried. Unless you have, then I’m wrong. All I’m hearing from you is theory. Sebi says you either know or don’t know. And you only know what you’ve experienced at least in my opinion. Pay him a visit to cure your eyesight, and obesity if that’s what you really have, then tell us your experience. From my understanding you have no results yet from his treatment, so how can you say it’s false?

      • You think that because you are ignorant and gullible. If something works, it works! Or at least it works for a large enough size of the population to justify it’s use. It doesn’t matter whether I have tried it because Sebi has not provided evidence of his claims. And particularly when it comes to your health one should be leery of products that are claimed to heal or treat illness if there is insufficient evidence. What you’ve heard are facts . And the fact is Sebi has not demonstrated knowledge of anything that proves he is an expert at doing anything but taking people’s money and running his mouth. I won’t be PAYING him anything least of all a visit.

        I say it is false for two reasons the lack of evidence and the fact that his speeches that are full of misinformation concerning biology and physiology. The man does not know how the body works but he has discovered how to cure diseases like HIV. That is so unlikely it borders impossible.

      • Darryl says:

        Of course I’m ignorant, everyone is ignorant to something. It’s easy to point out someone else’s, but can you realize your own? You said if it works, it works…So if people claim they are cured, doesn’t that mean it works? I’m honestly curious, do you know of someone who admitted to lying about being cured by Dr. Sebi, or has tried his treatment with an open mind and wasn’t cured? Are you saying that everyone that has claimed to be cured is lying? I wear glasses and have psoriasis/eczema and will be trying out his products soon. If I come back here and prove that I’m cured, will you say I’m lying or he got lucky or something? I don’t want to provide you with evidence that I have these dis-eases, but does that mean then that I don’t have them because I can’t provide evidence?

      • If it works then he can demonstrate it works. Anecdotes are insufficient as evidence. Without scientific evidence that his “cures” work and without any plausible mechanism for their actions his claims are dubious at best. We don’t have evidence he’s cured anyone of anything so this conversation is pointless. When he presents scientific proof then come find me.

      • Darryl says:

        Oh last note I wanted to address. I’m not very intelligent so I can’t speak using the same terms as you, but as far as what you said about alkaline and acidic food, did you say it pretty much doesn’t matter what you eat and that there is no correlation between diet and disease? I’m not fully clear on that, if you can break it down more simply.

      • I never said that there is no relationship between diet and disease. What I said was that alkaline diets don’t cure or treat diseases. I also discussed the workings of the digestive system to debunk the notion that the food you consume has any real effect on the pH of your blood.

      • Darryl says:

        And what about the claims? If that’s not evidence then are they lying? Would I be a liar if I claim to be cured of my diseases? And did you meet someone who admitted to lying, or has tried his treatments and wasn’t cured?

      • They could be lying. They could also be mistaken. People make misattributions related to cause and effect. Their claims mean nothing without sufficient evidence.

      • Darryl says:

        If results are not evidence then what is? If I went to my doctors and showed that I now have perfect vision and psoriasis has been cured and he approves of these claims, what does that mean? And since you said they “could” be lying, that leaves the possibility that they “could” be telling the truth. You seem to be having trouble answering all my questions wise one. You apparently ignored some of them.

        1)Do you know of someone who admitted to lying about being cured by Dr. Sebi, or has tried his treatment with an open mind and wasn’t cured?

        2)Would I be a liar if I claim to be cured of my diseases? And did you meet someone who admitted to lying, or has tried his treatments and wasn’t cured?

        3)Are results not considered evidence?

        I’m a truth seeker myself, that’s why I ask these questions. You don’t come off as very confident with your claims to me. I support judging by results rather than by theory, and I support looking to where the finger is pointing rather than the finger itself. If someone was treated by Dr. Sebi and was not cured, that is a result. But saying he’s a fraud because he lacks evidence, to me, that is a theory. The thing is, he is willing to prove to me that he can cure me. All of your talking, so far, has not proved that he can’t. We can examine what he says all day but what results can we generate from that? Either he cures or doesn’t cure. I guess this is all perspective, and if you are not willing to see in others eyes then how can you have true understanding? I’m very fit and healthy, and I know how to get others fit and healthy and have done so. But I did not go to school for it, and if I had to explain how it works with scientific evidence I would probably sound retarded because like I said I’m not very intelligent. According to what you are saying, this would mean that I can’t get people fit and healthy, BUT I CAN. So why should I listen to you and abandon the possible cure I’ve been looking for my entire life?

        Don’t get me wrong though, I haven’t sided with you or Dr. Sebi. I have yet to put either of your theories to the test. I was just looking around the internet for someone that has tried his therapy and failed to be cured, so far I’ve just found people who disagree with him, which is not enough to keep me from giving it a shot.

      • I have answered these questions already for the most part but I will try to keep this brief.

        The results need to be representative of a population. The results need to be repeatable and must be attributable to a plausible biological mechanism. Alternative explanations, such as drugs, other treatments, and or other interventions must be ruled out.

        Whether they are lying or not is immaterial, especially because they could simply be mistaken. The question is where is the evidence?

        1. This is immaterial for the reasons I have repeatedly given and restated above.
        2. See above.
        3. The results are conserved a form of evidence but are insufficient alone, especially if alternative explanations cannot be ruled out.

        I didn’t present theory. I presented facts. I presented scientifically verifiable evidence. Sebi presents bullshit. He isn’t a fraud just because he doesn’t have evidence of his claims he is a fraud because he presents misinformation to an uneducated audience in order to get money out of them. If you want to waste your money on Sebi then be my guest.

  10. Ryan Petersen says:

    It is absolutely mind-boggling how many people just /want/ to believe what they hear, and absolutely /cannot/ consider other angles, or the lessons we’ve learned throughout history. Sadly it seems that many refuse to evolve and learn from our own history. A lot of my friends lately are pushing the Dr. Sebi seamoss diet on people now, and it’s been starting to wear me thin. Do I think the seamoss itself is bad? No, I don’t. But the fact that all the claims I’m hearing about seamoss, came from one common source, this so-called doctor (Who has absolutely no medical credentials whatsoever), and not a single one of them has once thought to question it. It’s as if they’ve never heard of snakeoil salesman in history. It’s even more sad, seeing here, that not even referenced and verifiable facts are overlooked by people that just /really really want/ to believe some ludicrous claim. And in the end, they’re paying $30 for a tiny tub of seamoss.

    Speaking of that seamoss, you know what the going rate is for that powder? Roughly $70-100 for a five gallon bucket, enough to make a sizable profit. When it’s ordered in bulk, that cost goes down significantly. It’s not as much of a hidden gem as Sebi tends to present it as, considering it’s long been a popular thickening agent in processed foods, and some frozen dairy products such as ice creams and milkshake pre-mixes. It’s also frequently used to gelatinise some other foods and confectionary.

    Lastly, I want to point this out: Those who do not understand, or learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. Those in desperation are doomed to fall victim to one that claims to walk on water.

    To anyone who wishes to argue: Do some research, gather facts from more than one source, verify the validity of those sources, and do try to present them in a less emotional, and more focused fashion. Personal testimonies and anecdotes don’t count as hard evidence. (Not to mention, they tend to be strongly biased.)

    Maybe some prefer simple thinking, simple answers, and simple solutons. Life just isn’t that simple, though. And to those of you who like simple and don’t want to research or “think too much”… that is exactly what makes you a victim to scammers like this.

    If you really like the seamoss extract, get in touch with a foodservice supplier and ask for it by its more-often known name: Carrageenan. If you really /really have/ to have that magic placebo to make yourself feel whole, at least you can save a considerable amount of money on it.

  11. Ryan Petersen says:

    I apologize, I caught an error in my post:

    “It’s even more sad, seeing here, that not even referenced and verifiable facts are overlooked by people that just /really really want/ to believe some ludicrous claim. And in the end, they’re paying $30 for a tiny tub of seamoss.”

    It should be:

    “It’s even more sad, seeing here, that even referenced and verifiable facts are overlooked by people that just /really really want/ to believe some ludicrous claim. And in the end, they’re paying $30 for a tiny tub of seamoss.”

  12. Another thing, when you eat unhealthy foods, you engage in unhealthy behaviors like writing posts out of anger and spite to prove that you have memorized another person’s theory instead of mastered a science.

  13. Sigh. You cannot negate the existence of all diseases being cured by Dr. Sebi, period. Your article was based on debunking Dr Sebi. You’re stuck in a box. LOL. Adam lives in theory, trying to turn stone into bread. But you can go on forever. And ever. And ever. In a box. Mad. Thank you. You have inspired me to talk to the people out of the box since someone like you can live in a box forever.

    • There is no evidence he has cured anyone of anything. And until there is I choose not to believe. That is what being open-mindedness entails. You on the other hand are extremely gullible and unable to determine facts from fiction. You are in no position to call yourself helping anyone.

      • Darryl says:

        What would be evidence?

      • I am sure I addressed this. But he should conduct experiments comparing his patients taking his herbs in lieu of modern medicine to patients who use medication. Then he should publish the results in a scientific journal. If his methods work they should stand up to scrutiny. Unfortunately, as I said before his understanding of science is incorrect. His notion of electric food and intracellular cleansing is not supported by evidence.

    • You have to be among the single biggest ignoramuses to ever broach an internet topic. See, you keep posting and posting, replying repeatedly, hoping that eventually she and others will agree with you so you’ll feel a little more secure in what you are showing very clear signs of being quite insecure about. Again, post all your evidence that everything Sebi claimed was true. You’ll be a billionaire and among the most celebrated people who ever lived. We’re waiting…….

  14. Gman60 says:

    Hi Rhoades….I am doing as much research as I can about Dr. Sebi. I understand that Dr. Sebi was charged by New York State for practicing medicine without a license. Can you tell me the case number and disposition of that charge? Was he acquitted, did he prove that his method works or what? I understand that the Dr. had a number of his patients appear before the court with documentation or testimony that satisfied the New York Supreme court that his method work for them…is any of this true?

    • Unfortunately I do not have a case number and the online New York State Unified Court System records only go back to 2001. When you are charged with practicing medicine without a license, an acquittal would only result in proving that you were not practicing medicine. From what I gather from newspaper clippings and the charges themselves, the state was trying to prove that Sebi was making medical diagnoses using questionnaires that were given to patients in his clinic. A court of law cannot determine the scientific validity of a particular product or methodology and that was not the aim of the case. https://docs.google.com/document/d/10ytrcbWp4Q6CEkWjdCS-uCOVaCJJ59FuhDODq-9Tvdc/mobilebasic?hl=en

      • Gman60 says:

        While I have my doubts that Dr. Sebi is able to do all that he claims, I am still not convinced that all of what he claims is fakery. As an example, we learned in grade school about healthy eating. You and I know that Americans are not the healthiest people on the globe…too many excessive bad health habits, smoking, drinking, and obesity (among the highest). I believe that many of our health problems can be corrected by healthy eating, more exercise etc. On his Utube lecture Sebi passes out papers/documents to the audience indicating that people who came to him with various kinds of ailments …were reversed or cured..how are you so sure these papers or documents were/are fictitious? I have no problem with your criticism of Sebi but I think in doing so you assume that many of those who have claimed effective results are either liars or fools…there is testimony to his effective treatments on utube…are these scams also? Now mind you I am not convinced that he has a “cure for HIV”…but is it possible through proper eating complimented by nutritional compounds HIV might be placed in remission? If Sebi is such a fake…why is it that more people have not filed complaints or sued him for false claims? I have checked with California and cannot find any complaints about his treatments. I did find, however, a person complain about not receiving the proper amount of a product ordered. Based on your writings about Sebi, I imagine many people have paid for treatments but were not satisfied…has anyone ever contacted you are any other authority complaining about Dr. Sebi? If so where are these people? Most assuredly someone must have been treated for HIV or AIDS or diabetes or other kinds of conditions and the treatments provided ineffective? Where are these people…all quiet as mice? Is not the record clear that he was aquitted or found not guilty of practicing without a license…too bad that court was fooled???

      • “While I have my doubts that Dr. Sebi is able to do all that he claims, I am still not convinced that all of what he claims is fakery. As an example, we learned in grade school about healthy eating. You and I know that Americans are not the healthiest people on the globe…too many excessive bad health habits, smoking, drinking, and obesity (among the highest). I believe that many of our health problems can be corrected by healthy eating, more exercise etc.”

        I never disputed that eating healthier and exercising cannot improve overall health and well being. Please read before you respond to my blogs.

        ” On his Utube lecture Sebi passes out papers/documents to the audience indicating that people who came to him with various kinds of ailments …were reversed or cured..how are you so sure these papers or documents were/are fictitious?”
        The papers are not proof. He does not make them widely available, they have not been published, and they have not been evaluated by independent source. Furthermore, his lectures include false information about biology and physiology. This information is presented as being relevant to how his products work. But these claims are demonstrably false thereby casting doubt on their efficacy. Until he publishes his work or completes clinical trials his claims are dubious at best.

        “I have no problem with your criticism of Sebi but I think in doing so you assume that many of those who have claimed effective results are either liars or fools…”

        Not necessarily. I have said that these people can be mistaken. people make false attributions all the time, this is one reason why we use the scientific method.

        ” there is testimony to his effective treatments on utube…are these scams also?”

        Some may be scams but regardless anecdotes are insufficient as evidence particularly when we are dealing with something that is testable.

        “Now mind you I am not convinced that he has a “cure for HIV”…but is it possible through proper eating complimented by nutritional compounds HIV might be placed in remission?”

        The evidence demonstrates that diet alone is insufficient to combat HIV. what has been successful in the remission of HIV are the pharmaceuticals including antiretrovirals that have improved life expectancy for people living with HIV. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/04/130409173502.htm

        Also, chimpanzees have been observed in the wild suffering from SIV in the wild. And though chimpanzees are omnivorous their diet consists mostly of plants and not processed foods and many of the things Sebi seems to credit with illness. Doesn’t seem to lead to remission in chimpanzees.

        The fact that you and Sebi think that food can cause a virus to go into remission only highlights the fact that neither of you understand what a virus is or how it works.

        “If Sebi is such a fake…why is it that more people have not filed complaints or sued him for false claims? I have checked with California and cannot find any complaints about his treatments.”

        The fact that you cannot find complaints about Sebi doesn’t mean his products work. As I said people make false attributions but also Sebi’s products are not pharmaceuticals and they are regulated differently. The question isn’t “why is it more people have not filed complaints or sued?” The question is where is the evidence that his claims are true and his products work?

        “I did find, however, a person complain about not receiving the proper amount of a product ordered. Based on your writings about Sebi, I imagine many people have paid for treatments but were not satisfied…has anyone ever contacted you are any other authority complaining about Dr. Sebi?”
        My writings are based on the fact his claims are unfounded and his methods are unproved.

        “Is not the record clear that he was acquitted or found not guilty of practicing without a license…too bad that court was fooled???”
        The court was not evaluating his claims or methods. They are not in the business of determining the scientific validity of claims the only thing that can determine that is scientific evidence. The court’s interest was in determining heather he was making medical diagnoses and practicing as though he was a licensed professional.

      • WebCivil Local – Case Detail

        Court: Kings County Civil Court
        Index Number: CV-112709-08/KI
        Case Name: Carrington, Alexis vs. USHA Herbal Research Institute (Dr. Sebi Office LLC) Company ID#13164071
        Case Type: Civil
        Classification: General
        Filing Date: 09/23/2008
        Disposition Date: 12/18/2008
        Calendar Number:
        Jury Demand: No
        Judge Name:

        Attorney/Firm(s) For Plaintiff – Alexis Carrington:
        Self-Represented Litigant

        Attorney/Firm(s) For Defendant – USHA Herbal Research Institute (Dr. Sebi Office LLC) Company ID#13164071:


  15. Renee says:

    Actually most disease is because of the bodies toxicity and deficiency brought on by a low oxygen,acidic chemical laden diet and environmental toxin buildup. Dis-ease CAN be,and countless times has ben reversed by lifestyle change. Eating a diet high in alkaline chlorophyll,oxygen and enzyme rich foods can help to detox the body, and provide the nutrients the body is in dire need of. I don’t exactly follow Dr. Sebi’s methods BUT I have been studying raw/living foods for years,and have been to the famous Hippocrates Health institute in Florida where MANY people have reversed all kind of illness cancer included.

    • “Actually most disease is because of the bodies toxicity and deficiency brought on by a low oxygen,acidic chemical laden diet and environmental toxin buildup.”
      This is not true. And you have no evidence to back this statement.

      ” Dis-ease…”
      The fact you refer to disease as dis-ease tells me just how little you understand.

      “…CAN be,and countless times has ben reversed by lifestyle change…” Where did anyone say that lifestyle change cannot help slow or reverse disease. But this possibility depends on the disease. There are many cases that cannot be improved or cured by lifestyle change alone.

      “Eating a diet high in alkaline chlorophyll,oxygen and enzyme rich foods can help to detox the body, and provide the nutrients the body is in dire need of.” There is no science supporting the claims made of alkaline diets. i provided evidence against them in my analysis of Sebi. There is also a large body of evidence demonstrating that detoxifying products and diets do not work (mainly because the body has it’s own methods of dealing with many toxins and toxicants).

      ” I don’t exactly follow Dr. Sebi’s methods BUT I have been studying raw/living foods for years,and have been to the famous Hippocrates Health institute in Florida where MANY people have reversed all kind of illness cancer included.”
      You should study more. And there is no evidence, clinical data or otherwise that demonstrates the efficacy of that center’s methods.

      • yoshi says:

        @Rhoades to reality…

        Well I read this post and all the comments… I get where your coming from , that modern medicine has been proven not by the courts but by a scientific research done by well qualified people, I get that and I give you credit for explaining that part…
        But on the other hand , your readers are asking you not to be biased and just generalize that Dr sebi’s alkaline food is false and misleading based on what you read from either books or other sources ,but instead to base your argument either from personal experience or through someone who has dealt with him. What if I tell you that a product made by someone else is not what it claims to be but I have never tried the product itself, would you believe me?
        What they are really asking you is that for you to give the alkaline food a try and then write about the experience and if what he claims seems to be true or not…
        Other than that good job on the post…

      • What you and others fail to understand is that personal experience is not sufficient when determining whether something is effective or objectively true. You need more than personal experience because our experiences are biased and prone to all sorts of perceptive challenges. For example, there is a widespread perception that large acute doses of vitamin C cure the common cold. But there is no evidence that it has any effect at all.

  16. gman60 says:

    Rhoades…do you have a job. Do you have a problem with every day living? You spend a lot of time analyzing every word. Get a life. So Dr. Sebi is a fake a phony. Do you think your ridiculous rantings will change any of that. Your comments are beyond educational…we all have opinions. What makes you think you are so perfect. Over the course of human history diseases have been reversed and cured by all kinds of situations…not necessarily through tried and proven FDA approved medicines. Doctors have been given incurable patients the so called “pink” pills for years and the patients swears they feel better…so what.

    • Nice idiotic, kneejerk comment. You sound like a real pinhead. Probably wake up in the morning trying to find something to be ‘offended’ by. And the pink pill patients thinking they feel better and you say, “so what”? So what? So it could likely kill them or leave them in a permanent state of feeling like shit; maybe even bed-ridden. That’s what.

  17. Smh @ the ignorance. Where did I claim I was perfect? No did I claim that pharmaceuticals are the only effective means of treating and curing disease- though modern, science based medicine is obviously superior.

  18. Hunter says:

    I myself dnt eat meat amongst alot of things. I know dat da human diet means almost everything… But its sad dat ur common sense dnt tell u dat. U sit here & try to put Dr sebi teachings n ways in da dirt when u urself have not healed cured or let alone treated anything… I guess u think eaten junk foods is a good thing well how does it make u feel & behave?

    • It is sad that you cannot write complete grammatically correct sentences. Sebi hasn’t healed anyone and his methods are not only unproven but implausible. I never claimed anywhere that eating junk food is a good thing. So I don’t feel obligated to answer your question since it is based on a straw man.

  19. JAY says:

    Wow im shocked by the immature level of the people arguing your very well thought and scientific counter to dr sebis claims.

    To start of ive been studying alternative medicine for over 5years, ive read about chinese and ayervedic medicine mostly.

    Both of these schools of medicine has alot of merit and have been able to actually cure alot of ailments.

    But the first thing that struck me about dr sebi was his bashing of these old forms of natural healing systems in favor of his own secret system that only he knows about while spamming marketing words like “electric food” blabla etc.

    Now i cant say for sure that he is a scam but his marketing screams of the usual signs of snake oil salesman.

    • I would like to see sources on illnesses cured by chinese or ayurvedic medicine. if you have any please share

      • JAY says:

        Well i dont have any source but during my 4month visit ro india i did notice that western and ayervedic doctors work together alot to help some clients.

        For example i had a serious stomach ailment that herbs cured in a few days.

        I know this isnt proper evidence so my advice to you is if you really want to see it then go there yourself and watch their work.

        Modern ayrveda uses alot of modern medical techniques to make diagnoses but will usually try herbal remedies before recomending you to take chemical drugs for a problem.

        Also some doctors i met over there had degrees in both fields

      • JAY says:

        Also one herb that has gotten some studies to back up its effectsnis cissus quadrangilaris.

        It has in the past years become a very popular supplement for joint health and bone and cartilage regeneration.

        It has some studies made on it that seem legit and has a ton of anecdotal evidence from athletes claiming its effectiveness.

        Im a sport nut and i can agree that cissus has done alot more for my aching joints than msm, glucosamine etc.

        Cissus is a ayrvedic herb.

  20. Dr Sebi elevated my quality of life to another level, i was a rack after the western medicine didn’t know anything about what i had and only had to say “we cant find any problem”, i started using dr sebis herbs only to find out we were lied to by the medical corporation and all there naive pseudo-healing doctors.

    Dr Sebi can help you, from personal experience i am healing many people now from the knowledge i gained by him, as far as the western corporate medical system its just ignore them, they are like little children they deserve no attention what so ever.

    as matter of fact western medicine is a joke, if anyone is advocating this pseudo-healing system is a complete idiot, i would use the word fool but it would be a lie, they are pure idiots, ignore them just like you ignore a kid who argue with you that Santa is real because the book said so.
    i would like to thank Sebi on behalf of all NATURAL human beings for his priceless gift, we all love him.

    its fun that the truth is coming out and more and more people are dumping the western corporate garbage pseudo-healing system and all its quack and snake oil salesman aka drug pushers(what else can they do, after all they are pretty stupid*).

    • What kind of rack were you? A spice rack? On a serious note all I have is your word on this. I don’t know what your condition was if anything, what lies you felt you were told, or what (if anything) Sebi supposedly did. I don’t know how yo have reached the conclusions you have about “Western medicine” but modern medicine and science offers more than Sebi can. For one it has helped increase quality of life and lifespan. In addition it has reduced the incidence of many diseases and has virtually eradicated several (at least in Westernized countries).

      I must disagree with you about calling people who advocate science based medicine idiots. I think that those promoting Sebi, LLaila Afrika, Jewel Pookrum, and others are uninformed in addition to allowing others to manipulate their lack of education and distrust of medical and scientific institutions for their own financial gain. If you don’t believe me, see what selling herbs and overpriced vacations in shack-style accommodations in the jungle will get you>>> Sebi’s house.

      Again it is hard to know what you are thanking him for since there is no evidence that any of his “therapies” work.

  21. Modern and Ancient Britons vol.1 says:

    Neo: Why do my eyes hurt?
    Morpheus: You’ve never used them before.
    lol nice post

  22. Eyes wide shut says:

    You lost me with your jab at spirituality…without that it’s clear why you put so much faith in man made remedies..to you there is nothing more, and no matter how advanced we are man cannot completely piece together something that we did not create. Knowing that brings about a humbleness that you and others like you need badly. There’s a reason these medications come with side effects because it’s giving the correct solution to a fraction of the complete problem. And there is a difference between eating crap with the right amount of carbs,protein,fats,etc for your body, and eating clean with those same numbers…the difference is AMAZING, and I suggest you give it a try. Atheism is senseless, you cannot be sure about things like that! Why not take a agnostic approach, why so boldly arrogant?
    After reading this, and other opposing views, I’m gonna give Dr. Sebi a try. So thank you.

    • I didn’t take a jab at spirituality in general, though I don’t subscribe to a belief in spirituality or anything supernatural. I took a jab at unfounded and antiquated beliefs in vitalism. There is no evidence that living things possess a vital essence.

      I don’t put faith into man-made remedies, I simply accept things based on evidence. Aspirin for example comes from willow bark, that is a natural substance. Before we had modern food science people all over the world found things like salt, honey, drying methods, etc were capable of preserving food. So it isn’t about having faith in man made things its about evidence.

      I’m not sure that you can say with certainty that we cannot piece together something we did not create. And even what you say is true we are talking about is a creation that is substandard in many ways and no intelligent engineer would have created such a flawed design. And you say that I am lacking in humbleness. But that is an assumption. I am very humble in that I am in awe that in this complex universe where life is relatively rare that I am alive at all at this moment. That is extremely humbling. I just don’t attribute it to any creator deity or supernatural cause because to do so would be illogical.

      The reason there are side effects is because you have cellular receptors with different functions within multiple organ systems connected by a circulatory system. Anything you ingest or come in contact with that has an effect on your body at all will cause side effects even if they are imperceptible to you. If the crap and the “clean food” that you are describing above have the same nutritional content then they are indistinguishable as far as the body is concerned. The digestive system is only concerned with what it can digest, absorb, and discard.

      Again you are making assumptions about what I eat. And none of what you have written vindicates Sebi or brings my work into question. What is senseless is believe in things that cannot be supported with evidence. I am actually a agnostic atheist. Meaning I cannot know there is no god but that I lack belief in one. I find the concept of god as most religions conceive it to be illogical but mostly there is no evidence which confirms that such a deity exists. Then there is the problem of evil, the illogical belief that a non-physical being influences or creates the physical world, and many other illogical beliefs within the major world religions. And if nothing else there is the fact that we as a species have created so many “gods”, at a certain point one realizes we created god not the other way around. We created god to explain our existence but that does not make god real.

      Well if that is how you want tot waste your time and money, there is nothing I can do.

  23. Gene Cable says:

    Point out my language, but DAMN you’ve got an argument for every damn thing anyone says! Someone tells you cheese is unhealthy and you’ll continue being a FATASS because something in your know-it-all smartass mind says there’s nothing wrong with it. I actually approached this article with an open mind, and all I read is a typical CLOSED MINDED woman pulling up the same argument OVER, and OVER, and OVER again.

    What if I told you I lost 45 pounds eating the same exact food, the exact same amount of water, and the same everything to an exact measure every day, but used a cleanse from a well known source and that’s what caused it? What do you want? Would fucking PICTURES be evidence enough for you?

    Again, I apologize for the language, but I am way more agitated than I expected when I first clicked on this site. I’m also a person who is on the fence about sebi’s products. You even had a few people AGREE with you and you argued with them! Why in the hell would you argue with someone who was basically supporting your views?

    I’ve had enough about reading these people’s comments trying to be nice to you.

    You are the most fucking stupid smart person that I have ever put effort into communicating with.

    I may be an idiot, but at least I’m an open minded idiot. The evidence? I’m in the best shape of my entire life, perfect readings on every test I have taken, and I’ve used health products while not having that great of a diet.

    Want to deny that you’re fat and also deny that you’re a fucking idiot? Show me the scientific evidence.

    Why do I need evidence that you’re an idiot? How about you show me evidence that you aren’t. I, on the other hand, don’t care what you think about my post. The people here have the capability to ruin your reputation on this site, and unless you stop with your thick head and closed mind, almost everyone on this site will be saying the same thing. That you’re an idiot. ASK THEM FOR EVIDENCE!

    • Yup! you are an idiot. Your response is nothing buts fallacies and insults. When you have a substantive argument let me know. Until then I will take this as an admission that my analysis is correct.

  24. My responses are in bold.
    “Just because someone with a degree publishes so called research in a journal doesn’t necessarily make it so. “

    I never said that having a degree and publishing research in a journal do not necessarily mean it is true. That is why we have to evaluate their methods and compare it to similar studies to determine if their results can be replicated. The more they can be replicated under the same or similar conditions the more likely they are to be true. It is funny that you question the authority of people with degrees who publish in the sentence above but then invoke them (without naming them, their study, or the journal) when it is convenient for you. LOL

    “Dr. Gallo published information in a journal and claimed he had discovered the HIV virus. We later found out that he actually stole the discovery from a French Scientist who followed protocol by sending his research to Dr Gallo to validate his findings. Dr. Gallo taking credit for a discovery that he did not make was only half of the HIV/AIDS crisis debacle. Dr. Gallo along with FDA, Dept of Health and Human Services and Burroughs Wellcome (now GlaxoSmithKline) scooped AZT off the shelf and put it on the market in record time (just 18 months). No other drug has gotten such fast approval from the FDA prior to this. AZT was created by a pharma company back in the 60′s to treat cancer. They couldn’t get FDA approval after numerous attempts because the FDA said it was too toxic for human consumption. Because of Dr. Gallo arrogance, the FDA and Dept of Health and Human services ignorance over 300,000 unsuspecting people died during the 80′s and earlier 90′s while AZT was being pushed onto the HIV/AIDS community here in the US. Dr. Gallo and his cronies ignored all previous “scientific methods” in order to justify their push of AZT and hardly anybody spoke a word against it. And even those that did were label as quacks, snake oil salesmen by the so-called scientific community and government. The same scrutiny that is placed upon herbalist ought to be placed on the “scientific community”.

    Your facts are screwed up.
    First read up on what happened between Montagnier and Gallo>>> http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn14881-was-robert-gallo-robbed-of-the-nobel-prize.html#.U01ZOfldVvI

    As far at the time it took to approve AZT, which is still a part of the HIV cocktail of drugs today, it took 25 months not 18. And that occurred via the FDA Fast Track Development Program that fast tracks drugs meant to treat serious life-threatening disease for which there is no other known treatment- HIV certainly qualified at that time. You are correct about the toxicity issue, but any substance including water can be toxic is consumed in a large enough quantity. The dosage of AZT was reduced for HIV patients and today the initial side effects of AZT seen early on in the epidemic are not seen as frequently. (http://www.aidsmap.com/Side-effects/page/1730907/)

    None of this has anything to do with Sebi.

    “Trials, studies aka research is nothing more than taking two different groups of people giving one group a placebo and the other the “medicine” assuming all things are equal documenting/ aka the patients reporting their changes/results to the researcher. Then the researcher using statistical models to explain why or why not something appears more plausible.”

    That is an over-simplistic description of a study. I suggest you read on the various types of studies here:

    And you also don’t seem to understand that quite a significant amount of time is spent researching the effects of drugs in cultures and animal studies prior to a drug being approved for clinical study.

    “ Several medically licensed doctors here in the US have done what the author of this blog says Dr Sebi would need to do in order for her to accept his herbs as a cure to many diseases. They actually conducted the study in Japan over a 10 year period. Both of the doctors were once huge advocates of pharma drugs and surgery to address diseases and now both are huge supporters of a plant-based diet and herbs for healing. Both of these doctors which I cant recall their names at the moment are now in their 80′s like Dr. Sebi I might add. And both of these doctors where raised on a dairy farms. I believe the documentary that features them is called Food Frenzy. By the way once they started advocating a plant-based diet and herbs after their extensive studies were published the universities they taught at ostracized them and the medical community aka big pharma tried to assassinate their character. Over spending years of operating on people and prescribing toxic drugs to them without really curing them these doctors decided study Japan and see if there was a better way of addressing disease. What they learned about incorporating a plant-based diet and herbs went against everything they had grown up learning on their family farms and in medical school.”

    False. No one has demonstrated that any of these herbal treatments and supplements can cure or treat disease and illness. Again as I stated in both my articles on Sebi, no one is going to argue against better nutrition. Eating a balanced diet, particularly one that doesn’t have an abundance of trans fats or sugars, will lead to better health outcomes. I have never argued against that and you won’t find any reputable scientist or medical professional to argue otherwise. As far as the paper you will need to find and present this paper so that I can evaluate the claims you make about its results, because I’m not impressed by your “knowledge” so far.

    “A lot of good it did them professionally wise.:) I guess that’s why Dr. Sebi decided not to focus on operating in the western world’s framework. Instead he has chosen to focus on curing and treating people.”

    There is no evidence he has cured or successfully treated anyone.

    “ I am actively researching Dr. Sebi. So far I haven’t come across anyone who has taken his herbs, followed his nutritional guide and said it didn’t work.”

    That doesn’t mean it works. That is fallacious thinking. The only thing that proves it works is evidence it works. Testing his methods by controlling under rigid experimental conditions which control for confounding variable is the only way to seriously determine that it is his methods and not something else which explains patient outcomes, if indeed there are any significant outcomes to report.

    “Some may call eyewitness accounts as anecdotal, however I would argue that “clinical trials” are basically the same thing. The only difference is that with clinical trials people with degrees have taken the time to transcribe what the participates has told them verbal how they feel, felt or feeling. Then those same researcher’s apply some statistical calculations to it. I’m much more concerned with real people testifying to their real results verses various a medical journal with a bunch of charts postulating that something work’s or doesn’t work.”

    False. Clinical trials involve more than transcribing patients self-reports. It involves constantly monitoring the health and symptoms that patients are unable to report via vital signs, diagnostic tests, and labs. In other words, THEIR ACTUAL PHYSICAL HEALTH IS BEING MONITORED AND RECORDED TO DETERMINE THE EFFICIACY OF THE DRUG OR TREATMENT IN QUESTION. It is much more than testimonials. It is clear to me that your standards for evidence and comprehension of science and medicine are low.

    “How many times have we heard or seen big pharma come out with a the latest and greatest drug for some ailment just to find out 5 to 10 years down the road the drug caused all kinds of side effects including death. And then learn that big pharma knew all of this before they started pushing the drug on the public but they carefully calculated using their statistical trial results the profit gains would far outweigh the losses they would ensue. Just food for thought.”

    No one said that medicine was perfect. There are still many things to learn about the human body and disease. Though obviously some of us have much more to learn than other. But drugs have side effects because they have EFFECTS. Anything that has any effect on your body has a side effect even if the effect is not something you can directly perceive. For many conditions particularly terminal conditions for which there is no cure many drugs are an acceptable risk, considering the fact that death would be imminent anyway. But even when that is not the case medicine is not yet at the stage where each individual patient can receive medicine specifically designed for their particular physiology. And because we have receptors and people differ in the types of receptors and their ability to metabolize drugs some people are going to be better candidates for certain drugs than others. And while there are pharmaceutical companies that have behaved unethically that does not absolve Sebi and other promoters of woo from demonstrating the efficacy of their products. You talk about “big pharma” but what about “big supplement”- no one is exactly giving this shit away for free. And a lot of people, Sebi included, are taking advantage of people’s ignorance and fear to make a buck. That is the bottom line.

  25. Billy says:

    Interesting argument on both sides I must say, however, Science has become a discipline which tries to explain everything, which is already there rather than helping us to understand what’s here, creating egos and arrogance and in some ways ignorance amongst us. And I personally believe that those who are for DR Sebi have set a clear goal, and only see what is relevant, which in this instance is ‘HEALTH AND WELLBEING’ so no surprises there’s a barrage of angry pro Sebi’ests VS Rhodes to Reality LOL. Regardless of DR Sebi’s Claims being true or false. I myself do find it important to separate facts from just a plethora of information, and is the simple reason my research on DR Sebi has caused me to stumble upon this site. I quote Napolean hill “All facts which you can use in the attainment of your definite chief aim are important and relevant; all that you cannot use are unimportant and irrelevant.”

    With all that said it does sound like your investing an emotional subjective bias towards many Sebiest’s, although what your saying has allot of relevance, there are ways of communicating your views with the layman. I’m assuming not everyone here has the luxury of reading a PHD in Neuroscience……….. Thats just my take on it.

    You said that and I quote

    “Sebi, and quacks like him, go beyond this false claim that uncooked food is more nutritious and claim that raw or “living food” has an essence or vital energy……..”

    Actually you are wrong because Sebi has pointed out that whether cooked or uncooked the food he advocates will still hold its nutritional value. As in science it states that “Energy can neither be created or destroyed. But can be converted from one form, to another”. So whether he grinds the food to powder, or converts it to liquid form they are just vibrating at different frequencies however the same energy, and that, my dear science rightly states which is fact.

    here is my evidence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEkuiQy8LPo

    I could bash you about your lack of research into that statement but I wont go there as thats not my point. My point is I feel everyone should research him thoroughly even call him and ask him for facts not just scout the internet and slate the guy when the man has clearly done great things for his community and people. You also point him out to be a snakeoil salesman. Well maybe in some sense, however if that were to be true his prices are reasonable. And reports from people that take his products show that he does exactly what he says on the tin lol. I would say the biggest snake oil salesmen are the big pharmaceutical companies who make millions if not billions of dollas, off of peoples ill health.

    Science fiction or fact does not make you healthy or keep your body at an optimum to function at the norm. It helps us to understand, our ailments and diseases allot better in a disciplined format, however subtle life changes to diet, reading on people who can vouch for major positive health impacts on their changed diet, and trial and error.

    Yes you are right. Sebi does not substantiate his claims with factual evidence but you as an educated person can scrutinise sources including getting in touch with him to find out for yourself, that’s what research is all about right? And formulate an unbiased conclusion based on real facts and objective evidence.

    Id be interested to know your sources if you could cite them pleas so I can compare to the ones I have seen because Nowhere does Sebi state that he is a raw foodist, he clearly calls it a myth as can be seen in the video link above.

    Im gonna stop here so much to say but would be great to hear your response.

    Take no offence people please!!

    • “And I personally believe that those who are for DR Sebi have set a clear goal, and only see what is relevant, which in this instance is ‘HEALTH AND WELLBEING’ so no surprises there’s a barrage of angry pro Sebi’ests VS Rhodes to Reality LOL.”

      Without understanding the human body and nutrition they aren’t fully invested in wellbeing or health, especially when they are embracing long disproven beliefs.

      “Actually you are wrong because Sebi has pointed out that whether cooked or uncooked the food he advocates will still hold its nutritional value. As in science it states that “Energy can neither be created or destroyed. But can be converted from one form, to another”. So whether he grinds the food to powder, or converts it to liquid form they are just vibrating at different frequencies however the same energy, and that, my dear science rightly states which is fact.

      here is my evidence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEkuiQy8LPo

      Actually in this video he talks about live food vs. dead food. But honestly I’m not going to argue these minute points as though a man who claims to be an engineer but suggests that electrons are produced by “resonance (or friction) created by copper and carbon” can really be trusted to give accurate information about health or anything else. So no you won’t be bashing me. What great things has he done? Where is the evidence? Cause it isn’t clear to me? It is especially unclear to me when there is no evidence for his claims. And judging by his home and the sort of money he charges his clients the only person I think it can be said he has done anything great for is himself.

      By the way you assumed twice that I have not reached out to Sebi, and I have. He has no real interest in demonstrating his claims. He has provided no evidence but you are going to chastise me for refuting his claims with scientific fact? You are simply intellectually dishonest.

      • Billy says:

        hiya Rhodes cheers for reply. How can this be?

        “Without understanding the human body and nutrition they aren’t fully invested in wellbeing or health, especially when they are embracing long disproven beliefs.

        I would argue that you do not need to know about human body and nutrition, to know that your body lacks in nutrients or optimum health. That my love comes from ones feeling of their own body, and how they feel about themselves. For instance, for me personally I have made considerable changes to my diet and fitness and also inclined in the area of nutrition. My body was telling me, and still is, that I need to stop feeding it crap. Although a firm believer in balance. These changes have improved my overall health and vigour tremendously, and I attribute that to the way I was feeling in order to do the research to make those changes, which if I can add is an ongoing process. If I knew how to back that with scientific facts I would however I don’t. People generally want to get and feel better because of their current state of feeling

        I never assumed you never reached out to him I simply haven’t seen you state that you had or hadn’t so made a suggestion to further support your study. Or maybe I missed it in a post… If I did then my bad!!!

        reASON I POINTED OUT THAT VIDEO WAS BECAUSE YOU stated Sebi as a raw foodist and that video clearly shows he’s not and he explained how he compounds his herbs by heating/cooking them. So i’m not asking you to point out minute details. Just that wherever you got the information that Sebi is a raw foodist, you have been misinformed. I haven’t seen the video you sent I will watch it shortly and comment after.

        I personally do not know how electrons are produced and would not take someones word for anything without thorough research for myself.

        You ask where is the evidence of the great things he’s done,And make reference to the home he lives in and so on, I would say based on what I have read from people who have directly been in receipt of his method or way of living can vouch for an increase in health, wellbeing and vitality. Anyone that is helping people achieve their goals is great in my eyes regardless. As far as having a nice house is it wrong for someone to have nice things? That’s to say if his clients are all living in poverty? Which is far from the truth.

        I also feel its the responsibility of everyone to make and conduct their own research and take what is relevant to them. Dr Sebi doesn’t force people to buy his products and live as he lives, thats purely down to choice, and if Sebi is as you state a “Quack” it says more about the people who buy his products than him. He must be a very smart Quack if thats the case. lol. His diet to me is no different from the ones that are a scientifically backed, as in their worth giving a try.

        Toooo much to write ill stop here.

        Take no offence people!!!!

  26. Ivan says:

    There is only one thing I want to mention here.I have read all comments on this page and WOW. Shocking and upsetting. My wife is 35 and was diagnosed with Arthritis over a year ago. She was in huge pain and could not even walk 5m or walk down the stairs.She used to run marathons in the past.She was on toxic steroids for a year and that would eventually lead to other problems with her liver and so on.Her Dr is a Phd,trained and qualified specialist but did not have a scooby about nutrition that increased her pain such as diary products and lets say dead animals.He said she can eat anything she wants.Even when she stopped eating meat,fish and all diary products she felt the difference within days.I contacted Dr Sebi’s office in LA and he put a package together with liquid herbs,one of the herbs was in powder form and she was taking it for 3 months including his recommended food diet(greens)all that was on his list including alkaline water.Total cost over 3 months period $2250 plus some extra supplements to stock up.on.She is fully cured, recovered and back to training and running.We could not care less about evidence.$2250 for the whole cure is nothing in comparison for an annual holiday for a family of 4 people in tropical place.Jamaicans,africans and many others very well know about them herbs and its power.Bitter tonics and so on.No he is putting a package to treat my fathers high blood pressure problems.Will update on that.Peace.and truth people.

    • Here is a good example of why anecdotes are not sufficient as evidence.

      “My wife is 35 and was diagnosed with Arthritis over a year ago. She was in huge pain and could not even walk 5m or walk down the stairs.She used to run marathons in the past.She was on toxic steroids for a year and that would eventually lead to other problems with her liver and so on.Her Dr is a Phd,trained and qualified specialist but did not have a scooby about nutrition that increased her pain such as diary products and lets say dead animals.”

      1. How far in the past was she running marathons. The past isn’t very descriptive. Was it 6 months ago or 16 years ago? That makes a difference.
      2. You clearly doesn’t understand the difference between an MD and a PhD. If you did, you might understand that a PhD is not a medical doctor.
      3. what type of arthritis was it? Arthritis is a broad category that describes something like 100 different conditions.
      4. As far as steroids go… before you say “toxic steroids” as though steroids are the single most toxic thing that you can ingest you should probably understand that there are endogenous steroids in your body. And though steroids can be hepatotoxic they aren’t some man-made health annihilating drug. they are actually useful in many many conditions. I also know nothing about what state her liver was in prior to her diagnosis and or treatment. And I also have no idea whether or not she was compliant in taking her meds as prescribed.

      “He said she can eat anything she wants.”
      5. I doubt that your wife’s licensed physician said that.

      “Even when she stopped eating meat,fish and all diary products she felt the difference within days.”
      6) I have no idea if this was done in conjunction with other lifestyle changes or with the medications she was prescribed. For all I know the change of diet coincided with improvements that came about because of long term use of her medications.

      “I contacted Dr Sebi’s office in LA and he put a package together with liquid herbs,one of the herbs was in powder form and she was taking it for 3 months including his recommended food diet(greens)all that was on his list including alkaline water.Total cost over 3 months period $2250 plus some extra supplements to stock up.on.She is fully cured, recovered and back to training and running.”

      7) Somehow I doubt that but I have no way of knowing whether her original diagnosis was correct or not. Or weather er condition was psychosomatic or if her condition went into remission or what. There is a strong possibility this is all a result of placebo effect and not proof of the effectiveness of Sebi’s product’s at all. But I am happy to hear she is feeling better.

      “We could not care less about evidence.$2250 for the whole cure is nothing in comparison for an annual holiday for a family of 4 people in tropical place.Jamaicans,africans and many others very well know about them herbs and its power.Bitter tonics and so on.No he is putting a package to treat my fathers high blood pressure problems.Will update on that.Peace.and truth people.”

      8) You can update me all you want but your anecdotes are not sufficient as evidence.

      There are too many potential variables that could have contributed to your wife’s supposed recovery. And more than likely if she truly has arthritis, she is likely in remission. Remission of pain in arthritis is possible particularly in rheumatoid arthritis. Dietary changes may have helped reduced her weight and inflammation. Dietary changes can help in some cases of arthritis but they are not a cure. Here is an article that demonstrated the benefits of dietary changes in rheumatoid arthritis patients. But do no be fooled arthritis is progressive. There is no cure. And in the case of RA there can be lengthy remission periods followed by progression. So I do not suspect that this will be the last time your wife will be dealing with severe pain.

  27. Charlie says:

    You are amazing! Not only did you present a scientific, well-reasoned argument, but you actually took the time to answer almost every message. I have a few friends who have been taken in by Sebi’s hocus pocus, and I wish I had a pocket version of you to carry around with me, to present these arguments to them. I don’t have the patience for it. It makes me crazy when people insist that because a court ruled that Sebi did not practice medicine without a license, his claims of having cured AIDS are valid. I don’t even understand what they think one has to do with the other. I have also been told that the reason his claims are not accepted is because he is not white (which, unfortunately, could be true, were there any evidence to support his claims). Thank you so much for putting the truth out there. I sincerely hope that no one with HIV or any other potentially fatal illness will opt for his “cure” at the expense of his or her life.

  28. Rhoades to Reality, why are you using a black woman as an image. I know that persons face you’re using so it’s obvious you’re a hater or agent. And to prove that it is really you change your image to another pic of yourself. If not you’re definitely an idiot trying to infect peoples belief with your negative opinions.

  29. Ruth says:

    As a molecular biologist I can understand a lot of the arguments that you’ve made. You are right, Dr. Sebi has not backed any of his claims with scientific research. However, by doing a simple search on pubmed you will find lots of research showing the health benefits of fruits and vegetables in the human diet. Dr. Sebi’s claims are not completely false.

    I love science and research and that is why I chose this field but I always keep this in mind, science is man-made, man is flawed, therefore science is flawed. Don’t get so caught up scientific facts that you lose touch with the basic instincts that were embedded into our DNA before microscopes even existed. Dr. Sebi lives off those basic instincts and has found a way to be healthy and wealthy without having any of the degrees or licenses that society dictates we should have. Although his background knowledge of basic biology, chemistry and physics is lacking, he is not lacking in wisdom.

    Did you ever consider that maybe Dr. Sebi is just ahead of his time? Just because a theory or claim has not been researched and published in a peer review journal does not mean that the claim or theory does not hold any truth. Science is only beginning to scratch the surface of what our bodies can do. It was just recently discovered for example that neutrophils can release extracellular traps (NETs) made of their own DNA to fight off pathogens.

    I think you are a brilliant sister who is using way too much of her left brain. Don’t be so caught up in being right all the time, even if you are right all the time. One thing I’ve noticed about scientists, especially old scientists is that they tend to be very stiff and rigid both mentally and physically. Don’t let that happen to you, you are way too smart for that. I am assuming that you are still young and have a good amount of neuroplasticity. I would suggest doing things that will allow you to express yourself in creative ways like drawing, singing, or dancing with your free time, if you don’t already. Better yet, fall in love even if its with yourself.

    wish you the best in your PhD endeavors 🙂


      “You are right, Dr. Sebi has not backed any of his claims with scientific research. However, by doing a simple search on pubmed you will find lots of research showing the health benefits of fruits and vegetables in the human diet”


      At least once a week I get some clown who comes to my blog ignores everything I wrote to argue against some shit I never said.

      “I love science and research and that is why I chose this field but I always keep this in mind, science is man-made, man is flawed, therefore science is flawed.”

      I ALSO NEVER ARGUED THAT SCIENCE WAS PERFECT. I am simply pointing out that we cannot make truth claims without having sufficient evidence.

      ” Don’t get so caught up scientific facts that you lose touch with the basic instincts that were embedded into our DNA before microscopes even existed.”

      What you are referring to is intuition which is informed by our biases. Our intuitions or instincts can lead us to false conclusions this is why we have developed science and other systematic processes. These processes ultimately tell us more about eh world that the instincts you are defending

      “Dr. Sebi lives off those basic instincts and has found a way to be healthy and wealthy without having any of the degrees or licenses that society dictates we should have. Although his background knowledge of basic biology, chemistry and physics is lacking, he is not lacking in wisdom.”


      “Did you ever consider that maybe Dr. Sebi is just ahead of his time? Just because a theory or claim has not been researched and published in a peer review journal does not mean that the claim or theory does not hold any truth. “

      I WOULD CONSIDER THAT IF THERE WERE EVIDENCE FOR HIS CLAIMS BUT THERE IS NONE. Even, his teachings about how the body functions which is the basis for his methods for treating or curing disease ARE DEMONSTRABLY FALSE.

      “Science is only beginning to scratch the surface of what our bodies can do. It was just recently discovered for example that neutrophils can release extracellular traps (NETs) made of their own DNA to fight off pathogens.”

      Sebi doesn’t believe in germ theory. So I’m not sure how you think that bringing up recent studies about pathogens helps him. But I am supposed to give serious consideration to the notion that Sebi is ahead of his time when he rejects foundational knowledge about what we understand to be the causes of disease. I am through responding to this. I may be using too much of my “left brain” but you seem not to be using yours at all. Think before you speak. I don’t have time for illogical responses that argue against statements I have never made.

  30. Ruth says:

    “I HAVE NEVER ARGUED ANYWHERE THAT EATING A DIET RICH IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES WOULD NOT IMPROVE HEALTH AT ALL!”….are these not your words? “Sebi, and quacks like him, go beyond this false claim that uncooked food is more nutritious and claim that raw or “living food” has an essence or vital energy”…..

    …..the uncooked food that Dr. Sebi is referring to are FRUIT and VEGETABLES.

    “Our intuitions or instincts can lead us to false conclusions this is why we have developed science and other systematic processes. These processes ultimately tell us more about eh world that the instincts you are defending”

    …..By stating that instincts can lead to false conclusions and that science tells us more about the world you are implying that science does not lead us to false conclusions and implicitly arguing that science is perfect.

    “Sebi doesn’t believe in germ theory. So I’m not sure how you think that bringing up recent studies about pathogens helps him”

    …..I believe in germ theory and I mentioned recent studies about pathogens as well other recent studies to support my claim that science is only scratching the surface of discovering how the human body works, not to “help” Dr. Sebi.

    Yuck! You’re response makes you seem like the kind of person I’d hate to work in a lab with, good luck maintaining healthy relationships with that attitude.

    • ‘are these not your words? “Sebi, and quacks like him, go beyond this false claim that uncooked food is more nutritious and claim that raw or “living food” has an essence or vital energy”’

      You are deliberately taking my words out of context. First, the reast of that quote is missing:”Sebi, and quacks like him, go beyond this false claim that uncooked food is more nutritious and claim that raw or “living food” has an essence or vital energy a part from its physical and biochemical qualities that we miss when we consume cooked vegetables and meat.”

      I am not saying anywhere in that statement that eating fruits and vegetables is unhealthy. Second, the claim that raw fruit and vegetables are absolutely healthier than cooked is an unverified claim. It is a much more complicated picture than that. one of the reasons man invented cooking was to increase the ability of the body to derive nutrients from food.

      If you are a scientist as you say, then you should know that. But you can begin with these articles:

      Third, the main point of that sentence which you missed was the notion that raw food contains a “vital essence”. Which it doesn’t. Your reading comprehension leaves much to be desired.

      ‘“Our intuitions or instincts can lead us to false conclusions this is why we have developed science and other systematic processes. These processes ultimately tell us more about eh world that the instincts you are defending”

      …..By stating that instincts can lead to false conclusions and that science tells us more about the world you are implying that science does not lead us to false conclusions and implicitly arguing that science is perfect.’

      Acknowledging that science provides better information about our intuitions doesn’t mean that I am thinking or saying that science is perfect. Using a flashlight is ultimately better than stumbling around in the dark or using your recollection about a rooms layout to get around. Science is a flashlight. It doesn’t necessarily illuminate all there is to know. But it provides us with a method of accessing much of what there is to know about reality.

      ‘“Sebi doesn’t believe in germ theory. So I’m not sure how you think that bringing up recent studies about pathogens helps him”

      …..I believe in germ theory and I mentioned recent studies about pathogens as well other recent studies to support my claim that science is only scratching the surface of discovering how the human body works, not to “help” Dr. Sebi.”

      Once again, you are setting up a straw man. I never suggested anything to the contrary. But you brought that point out to suggest that Sebi might be ahaead of his time. I contend that reason dictates that he cannot be ahead of his time positing theories of disease and nutrition that contradict centuries of data regarding the causes of disease and disease progression.

      “Yuck! You’re response makes you seem like the kind of person I’d hate to work in a lab with, good luck maintaining healthy relationships with that attitude.”

      Your ignorance leads me to believe that you are misrepresenting who you are. And if not, I think it is seriously unfortunate that you would defend quacks and charlatans like this despite all of the evidence against them.

  31. Scientia says:

    I am astounded and amazed by the amount of ignorance and delusion so many have displayed here. You attempt refute Rhoades’ sound, scientific argument with poorly constructed sentences and even poorer attempts at ad hominem (not that any of you know what ad hominem means). Meanwhile, you’re posting this swill using computers and smart devices built from technology that is based on the same scientific principles/methods she is championing. Idiots!

    • I am not the one making the claims. Sebi is. He needs to present His research and findings which back his claims. Which he has yet to do. The reason is easy to guess- because his claims lack sufficient evidence.

      • Adam says:

        I think, after reading these comments, we can establish a scientific link between Sebi’s “treatments” and mental disability. I cannot believe how, in this day and age of scientific wonder, people would still be taken in by this crap. If he was so selfless in his ambition to heal, why is he not using money from this to fund trips to Africa to start mass-curing the most AIDS-ridden continent on the planet?

        You all need to learn the difference between causation and correlation. “I had a cold. Since I stayed home from work, I masturbated 3x a day instead of 1x a day. My cold went away. Masturbation must cure colds”. Actually, that is probably more scientifically sound than Sebi’s assertions, since those two things actually both exist, whereas the basic principles of biology his assertions assume do not. Your mileage may vary.

        In all seriousness, this guy is ridiculous, as are the comments attempting to disprove the author. Despite the many good points she makes (chimps with SIV, etc) nobody comes to pages like these to be disproven, and take personal offense to someone asserting that they’ve been fleeced. If you told them that their AMC Gremlin they paid $100 for was a piece of shit, they’d likely agree. If they paid $90k for it, they’d get fuming mad and tell you it was a piece of classic car history. It’s just human nature. That they get so hostile in replying indicates, to me anyway, that on some level they know the author is correct.

      • Hope says:

        Unfortunately, you have been indoctrinated to believe Africa is the AIDS-ridden continent as well as believing that Africa is a state. But, there are more AIDS patients in the US alone compared to the whole of Africa. What do you say about the same theories that prove to you God is nonsense, but its perfectly okay for a man to chase after other men’s asses. Dr Sebi is living beyond this time. it takes only the very sound intuitive intelligence with open mind to understand that realm. Continue living in your darkness. Good luck.

      • No moron. I don’t talk about Africa as a state or an AIDS ridden continent. Sebi isn’t living beyond this time, he doesn’t possess any great knowledge or cures. His a con man-period.

      • Adam says:

        Um, I never said anything about it being a state. Also, “patients” implies someone with access to medical care, which I would imagine is higher in the US. Wait, are you really denying the AIDS problem in Africa?

      • Adam says:

        The number*

  32. Sandra says:

    It not commonly stated but Louis Pasteur was a plagerist. I raise this because they say he denounced his theory on his death bed stated the microbe is nothing the terrain is everything. The book Sick and Tired by Dr Robert Young and Shelley Young share lots of information about this theory. DR Sebi has discovered intuitively, the cause of disease and he has successfully cured many. I ask you Sir to stop trying discredit people and influence others away from their healing.

    • The issue of this supposed incident where Pasteur renounced his theory is irrelevant in light of microbiology. We have numerous lines of evidence that demonstrates that germs and bacteria cause disease. Though they are not the sole cause. Sebi however has no evidence to back his nonsense. And no evidence proves that he has cured anyone.

    • Also I am a woman. FYI.

  33. Carol Tomas says:

    Rhoades to Reality – I DEFINITELY will go and follow Dr Sebi advice and buy his products now that I see how much effort the NWO are putting into discrediting him. Thanks alot Mr Do Anything for a Paycheque – Loser.

  34. Jeff says:

    I just wanted to commend you for writing this articulate article filled with research and evidence. It baffles me how many people have bought into this quackery and how many people still continue to buy in. Good job on sticking it out and replying to all these comments and I’m sorry people feel the need to try and insult. I’m really impressed with you and your tenacity. good job.

  35. Until you can prove sebi’s teaching are ”quackery” i think you should keep quiet. because ultimately your being the reflection of a characteristic your detesting in this article

    • Well thinking is obviously not your strong suit.

      • lol and how do you summarise that from what i said? its clear that your insults are more successful than you claims against sebi. this whole article reflects that very fact. you clearly struggle to articulate yourself against valid points.

      • I already have proven that his teachings are quackery. That is why i stated that thinking is not your strong suit. Clearly I am correct in saying so. You haven’t made any valid points.

      • You call what you have stated as ”Proof” ?? and then have the audacity to say thinking is not my strong suit? with that being the case ill just leave you to it.

      • I am not obligated to provide proof. Only those making positive claims, testable claims, are obligated to offer proof. If someone says they possess a fire breathing dragon the person who doubts them isn’t the one who is required to offer proof.

    • do8ug says:

      Listening to Sebi I see his use of falsehood to make his points. If you want to waste your time and money for a placebo high good luck. My relatives and his ate the things he calls bad and lived to ripe old ages. There are many alternative medicines that work but I would not buy anything from this deceiver.

  36. Nate R. says:

    Great article Raina! I enjoyed your objective and well laid out points not just on how the body and nutrition works but also the important whys? Many of the arguments presented against yours seemed to have those same old logical fallacies that are used over and over again.

  37. Xan. says:

    Thank you Rhoades. Keep fighting the good fight against ignorance. I’m amazed at the personal attacks you’ve endured by the obseesed followers of Mr. Sebi. (Let’s admit it, he’s not a doctor).

  38. Casey says:

    I just wanted to say that this post is like the movie ‘300’. You against the Sebi Hoard. Way to stand your ground Rhoades. THIS. IS. SCIENCE!!

  39. The Pi Bird says:

    I will say this, you’ve done your own research into these matters, and that is good, but I must share this, as an almost 50 year-young man I’ve been around, and I’ve seen plenty and been through much, I was a Vegetarian for just about all of my 30s, and switched back in my 40s, I should’ve stayed with the Vegetarianism, I suffered just about most things that you can speak of somewhat as diseases are concerned, some are terminal, but I’ve personally found going more naturalistic is more realistic for myself, but I will never discount the conventional methods ever, so long as they have enough research and physical evidence to support their findings. I’m not able to allow anyone too rent space in my mind today, I’ve had enough of that, a lifetimes worth, but I must say, that I will do what I want when it comes too my health, no matter what anyone’s opinions or theories or even factual evidence relays, this is my choice, my body, my life, and my call, so that is that, but I digress and will have too say keep seeking, for what you seek is seeking you as well, but in all honesty, I think if you ever met Dr. SEBI or say Dr. Gary Null (I’ve met them both) you better come correct, because they especially have a history of debating and subsequently making a mockery of many of their debaters, hopefully you won’t fall into that trap, I’ve seen MDs and Doctor Lettered folks be embarrassed during their debates with those two especially, but Dr. Llaila O Africa is another one who will be extremely difficult too discredit I assure you, better folks more educated have tried too no avail. (: choose your battles well before you come off as a monster 🙂

  40. oneki isekpe says:

    Thanks for pointing out that this Sebi guy is at best mediocre and at worst a con. His shtick seems to be a tug at the emotional strings and our longing for successful heroes by saying I am an african and I don’t follow “orthodoxy”. While we should all be healthily sceptical of all orthodoxy, it is clear that the Sebi is peddling bunk. One cure for disease, really? Thanks a bunch for your robust response above. One thing that seems to keep lending credibility to him is his apparent non-conviction in the New York supreme court. I have search as much as i could for more details on what the court case was about but nothing. I seem to only get information from sources who are obviously biased and pro Dr. Sebi. There seems to be only one news article about him and that did not mention the court case. Have you got anything on that?

  41. Nicole T. says:

    Thank you for providing your opinion , facts, and additional material. I now feel better equipped to make an informed decision regarding Sebi. I haven’t read exactly what he claims, as I was in the beginning phase of research. Again thanks for setting up this page!!

  42. Norm Whiteside says:

    Fucking hell I never knew there were so many whackjobs out there until I read the comments.,

    Nice blog post mate. It’s a shame that there are people so desperate that they would believe the insane ramblings of an uneducated would-be quack over science.

  43. Nicole says:

    Thank you so much for educating these people even though I’m certain that most of them don’t want to hear it. Terrifying that such quackery exists.

  44. Pedro says:

    Dear Rhoades to Reality,

    I absolutely adored the way you used scientific knowledge/evidence to attack “Dr.” Sebi’s claims whilst defending your own position. I came upon this post looking for scientific proof of “Dr.” Sebi’s methods working and instead found your wonderful dissection on “Dr.” Sebi’s so-called methods to cure multiple diseases Science still has not cured in a vigorous and refreshing way. I found it agreesively entertaining to read your post.



  45. Me says:

    The funny thing is after everyone has their say, he’s the only person who has proven he can cure aids and other “incurable diseases” the ONLY person. But I’m sure you’ll find some way to deny the supreme court decision.

  46. Robert Daniel says:

    You hit all the right points.

  47. Dave Bell says:


    I’m constantly battling with Alfredo Bowman (Fake Dr Sebi) fanatics.
    I ask them to chose which is the more likely of the following two scenarios…

    Option 1 – Despite a century of research, the entire world’s medical profession have been unable to find a cure that works on every cancer.

    Option 2 – A guy who didn’t go to kindergarten school not only finds the cure for all cancers, but also HIV, lupus, impotency, sickle cell anemia, herpes, diabetes, leukemia, epilepsy and arthritis in only fifteen years’ research.

    And guess what… ALL of them can be cured by diet. The top eleven most difficult to cure diseases in history can all be cured with nuts and berries that Alfredo sells… Turns out that every doctor in the world was wrong and diseases aren’t caused by ‘germs’, ‘viruses’ or ‘bacteria’…. No. All diseases are caused by mucus and Alfredo Bowman’s company just happens to sell all the cures.

    So far, nobody has dared to answer.

  48. Shani says:

    This is an old post but I still commenting because I am glad your wrote it. I wish more people would take time to research before swallowing up information!

  49. Ugh. Now rapper Nipsey Hussle has been tragically killed while making a documentary about this Dr. Sebi character & people are claiming some grand conspiracy to shut him up, implying that “the world doesn’t want to know the truth” or some nonsense. I foresee Sebi’s woo growing in popularity in the coming months as a result.

    There’s nothing wrong with promoting a healthy diet. In fact, it’s probably the most basic building block of a healthy lifestyle. But you can’t just say things like “mucus is the cause of all illness” & expect to be taken seriously. You can’t claim to have a cure for AIDS either, as that’s patently ridiculous. If this were true, he would’ve been the most rich & famous man on planet Earth with at least one Nobel Peace Prize. Even the world’s pharma companies haven’t found a vaccine or cure for AIDS despite billions spent on research over several decades. References to “God” belong in religious texts, not scientific or medical ones. Food doesn’t have an electrical charge or vibration. I could go on all day.

    This stuff sounds more like a cult than a science-based health program. I could probably come up with something more coherent & compelling after a good mushroom trip.

  50. J says:

    Thank you for the post. The comments here are a great example for why people need STEM education.

  51. Ana says:

    I love this comment section, so interesting and fun to read! 🥰

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